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I want to shake hands with person who filmed me snorting white powder, says boxing champ Kell Brook

BOXING champ Kell Brook says he wants to shake the hand of the person that filmed him snorting a white powder.

The dad of three says it prompted him to seek help for the depression he has suffered since retiring from the ring.

Kell Brook says he has changed his life for the better after a video of him emerged snorting a white substance

SE on Sunday revealed footage of Brook, 36, snorting the substance at a party at his Sheffield house in January.

But he said: “When I see the guy who filmed me I’ll probably end up shaking his hand.

“I feel amazing now. I’ve got structure in my life. I’m a better dad, a better everything.

“You’ve changed my life for the better.”

The former IBF welterweight champion now wants to help others.

“If I can help someone else who’s in that spot, bring them on,” he said.

Brook, who quit last year, also says he will return if the offer is right.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Boxing?

Boxing is a sport that involves two people who try to knock each other out by hitting them in the head and face. Boxing is about hitting an opponent as hard possible, without inflicting any injuries. Both boxers need to be able throw punches at high speeds in order to achieve this. They also need to have good hand-eye coordination.

What are the benefits of boxing?

Boxing offers many health benefits. Boxing builds strong bones and muscles. Boxing improves coordination and reflexes. It can also help strengthen your heart muscle and lungs. The best part is that boxing doesn’t require any special equipment. You can use any item you have at home.

Can I box without fighting?

Training boxing requires fighting. You must put in the work to get better at boxing. However, if you are willing to put in the effort, you’ll be able improve your boxing technique as well as speed, endurance, strength, stamina, and speed.

Watching good boxers fight is the first step to improving your boxing technique. Watch how they move, how they throw punches, and how they defend themselves. Then, copy their tactics.

The next step is to spar with another boxer. Here you can see if you have improved your boxing technique. You’ll be amazed at how fast you can punch and how strong your punches feel.

Finally, practice your skills by performing drills. It takes practice to become a master boxer, so persevere and be patient.

What is the average time it takes to learn boxing?

Boxing takes 3 months to learn. It takes 3 months to learn the basics of boxing, including footwork, stance and balance. Remember that boxing is more than just throwing punches. It is important to know how to dodge and block attacks.

How can a beginner start boxing at home?

Boxing is one the oldest known sports. Boxing was first developed to train warriors against their enemies in ancient times. Today, boxing is widely practiced all over the world. Boxing is not something you need to do in a gym. To box, all you need are a pair gloves and punching bags.

There are many local amateur boxing groups that you can join to train with professionals. Once you master basic punches & combinations, you will be ready for competition in tournaments.


  • You want to be running at roughly 75-80% of your top speed..5 mile slow, easy recovery jog at the end.[6]X Research source 2Mix in long runs, shadow boxing, and short sprints on non-interval days. (
  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (

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How To

How do I setup a Boxing Gym in My House

Many people are curious about how to start a boxing business. Many people are curious about how much equipment they should purchase, what type of space they need, and how many employees they will require. There are many factors that can affect the cost of starting your business. These include where you are located, how many employees you have, the marketing budget and competition. The importance of having quality equipment is something that many people forget. Without the proper equipment, you can’t get started. These are some great tips for starting a home boxing club.

  1. Training should be done in a safe environment. Anyplace you can train is fine, whether it’s in your garage, basement, spare or living area. Only one thing is required: there must be enough room to install the equipment.
  2. You will need at least one punching bag. This is very important because without a punching bag you won’t be able to practice punches. It can be anything from a cheap plastic bag to a heavy leather bag. You should ensure that the bag is large enough to accommodate you comfortably. It should be strong and durable to ensure that you can use it for many years.
  3. A mat is necessary. Matting protects floors and walls from kicks. Matting is typically made from foam rubber. You can buy them online and offline.
  4. A bench is essential. Bench is used to support your body while doing pushups. These can be bought online or in stores. Make sure you get the right size.
  5. A speedbag is necessary. Speedbags allow you to make quick hand movements. They can be purchased from online or offline stores. You want to make sure you get a high-quality product that will last.
  6. Headgear is necessary. For sparring, you will need to use a headgear. You can purchase it online or in stores. It is important to choose the right size and protection for your face.
  7. Gloves are necessary. Gloves protect your hands during sparring sessions. These gloves can be bought online or in stores. You can choose the pair that best suits you and your style.
  8. A mouthpiece is required. Mouthpieces are used to protect your teeth during sparring sessions. These can be purchased online and offline. Again, choose a pair that suits your style and needs.
  9. You will need a ring. Rings are used in real fight simulations. You can purchase them either online or offline. You should ensure that the padding is on both sides to prevent injuries during sparring sessions.
  10. A towel is essential. You need a towel to remove sweat after a workout. They can either be purchased at your local sporting good store or online. Be sure they are soft, absorbent, and comfortable.