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Anthony Joshua Receives Chilling Warning Ahead of Crossover Clash with Francis Ngannou

AJ Warned Not to Repeat Tyson Fury's Mistake

Anthony Joshua is gearing up for a risky crossover clash with former UFC heavyweight champion Francis Ngannou in Saudi Arabia next month. However, he has received a chilling warning from Tyson Fury's cousin and trainer, Andy Lee. Lee cautions Joshua not to make the same mistake Fury did when he faced Ngannou. In their previous bout, Ngannou shocked the world by dropping Fury. Lee emphasizes that Joshua should not underestimate the MMA mountain and overlook the boxing novice.

Ngannou's Impressive Performance Against Fury

Last October, Francis Ngannou displayed his skills against Tyson Fury in their crossover clash. He cut and dropped Fury in their split decision defeat. Lee acknowledges Ngannou's surprising boxing abilities and warns Joshua not to underestimate him. Ngannou's element of surprise is no longer there, and his strength and patience, combined with his 280lbs of solid muscle, make him a formidable opponent.

AJ's Response: Learning from Fury's Mistake

Anthony Joshua was stunned, like the rest of the boxing world, when Ngannou put Fury on his backside in his professional boxing debut. However, Joshua assures that he won't make the same mistake. He acknowledges Ngannou's reputation as the biggest puncher in the world but highlights the surprise of his boxing skills. Joshua emphasizes that he will be cautious and not underestimate Ngannou's abilities in their upcoming clash.

Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting crossover showdown between Anthony Joshua and Francis Ngannou!

Frequently Asked Questions

Is boxing a good way to get fit?

Boxing is an excellent exercise to improve fitness. The full-body workout improves cardiovascular and muscular health, as well as endurance, coordination and agility. This is a stress-relieving exercise that can improve your discipline and boost confidence.

What are the common mistakes new boxers make?

Some common mistakes are overextending the punches, dropping your hands, ignoring the defense, holding breath, neglecting the footwork, or focusing more on power than technique. To prevent these mistakes from becoming habitual, a qualified coach can identify them and correct them early.

Can I learn Boxing at Home?

It’s possible to learn boxing from home using instructional videos or fitness applications, but it’s best to train with a professional coach in a gym to make sure you master the correct techniques. Additionally, a boxing gym provides the equipment and the opportunity to practice with others.

What is the importance breathing in boxing?

Proper breathing is essential in boxing as it helps to regulate your energy, maintain stamina, and keep you relaxed during training or a bout. To effectively manage your oxygen input and output, exhale strongly with each punch.

What equipment will I need to begin boxing?

In order to train and be safe, you will need certain essentials. It includes a boxing glove and hand wraps which protect the wrists and arms, as well a mouthguard if you are sparring. Also, comfortable athletic clothes and boxing footwear are recommended for improved movement and support.

How do I wrap up my hands before boxing?

Hand wraps are essential for boxing as they protect your hands and wrists. Wraps are unwound and placed around the thumb. Extend the wrap over your hand and then circle your wrist. Wrap the Velcro around your wrist, crisscrossing your fingers and covering your knuckles.

Can boxing improve mental well-being?

Boxing improves mental health in many ways. It reduces stress, boosts mood, increases self-esteem, promotes discipline, and provides a sense accomplishment. The focus required during training can also serve as a form of meditation, helping to clear the mind and improve concentration.


  • Cardiovascular fitness improvements can be seen after just 12 weeks of consistent boxing training.
  • Women are joining boxing in increasing numbers, rising by about 15% in the past decade, indicating growing gender diversity in the sport.
  • On average, beginners who undergo proper boxing training can expect to burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories per hour.
  • Beginner boxers tend to make the mistake of holding their breath in 70% of cases during their initial training sessions.
  • Approximately 50% of beginner boxers drop out within the first six months, highlighting the importance of sustaining motivation and setting realistic goals.
  • Studies show that proper hand wrapping can reduce the chance of hand and wrist injuries by as much as 40%.
  • Boxing has one of the lowest rates of injury compared to other contact sports, with approximately 1.1 injuries per 1,000 minutes of athletics.
  • Surveys reveal that close to 40% of new boxers join the sport for self-defense purposes rather than for competition or fitness.
  • Nearly 80% of boxing training injuries are related to incorrect technique, especially within the first three months of taking up the sport.
  • Research indicates that nearly 70% of punches thrown by boxers during a match are jabs.

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How To

Cross Punches in Boxing: How to Master them

After the jab comes the crucial cross. Your rear foot should be pivoting in your boxing position to propel your hip and shoulder forward. At the same time, you should throw your back hand straight toward the target. Make sure your palm is facing down. Keep your leading hand in front of your face. It is important to maintain balance and speed in order to avoid being left exposed.