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Blind amateur boxer prepares for debut fight – against fully sighted opponent

AN amateur boxer who is registered blind is ­preparing for his debut fight — against a fully sighted opponent.

Thomas Seres, 23, can see only 3ft in front of him due to severe congenital glaucoma.

Thomas Seres has a level 2 boxing certificate despite suffering severe congenital glaucoma

Thomas is looking for a fair fight hoping his opponent ‘doesn’t go easy on him’

But the Rocky fan will take part in a charity bout next month, saying: “Losing is not an option.”

Thomas, who walks with a cane, said: “I’ve always wanted to box but didn’t think I could until I joined a boxing gym.

“I’ll give it my best in the fight — win, lose or draw. Boxing’s quite an up-close sport so that’s in my favour, but I’ll struggle seeing some of the punches coming in.”

Thomas, of Barnsley, who has a Level 2 boxing certificate, added: “I hope he doesn’t go easy on me for being blind.

“He’ll pay if he does. I have a knockout punch.”

Thomas is currently training three days a week and weightlifting on the other days to be as strong as possible.

He is fighting to raise money for Cancer Research UK.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does a boxer train per day?

Boxing trainers often train at least 4 hours per day. They also learn new moves and practice punches. Boxers sometimes spar 10 times per semaine.

How can you learn to box punch?

Boxing punches are practiced using a punching bag. The bag is used to practice boxing punches until you feel confident. Then, move to the next area. You can then move onto the next area once you are comfortable with that one.

What is the best way to learn boxing without fighting?

Fighting is the only way to train boxing. You must put in the work to get better at boxing. You will be able to improve your boxing technique and endurance.

Watching good boxers fight is the first step to improving your boxing technique. Pay attention to how they move and throw punches. Also, observe how they defend themselves. Then, copy their tactics.

Next, you need to spar with another boxer. Here you can see if you have improved your boxing technique. It’s important to observe how fast you can punch, the strength of your punches and how well you block any incoming punches while sparring.

Finally, practice your skills by performing drills. You will improve with practice so be patient and persevering.

How can a beginner begin boxing at home

Boxing has been around since ancient times. Boxing was originally developed during ancient times to train warriors to fight against enemies. Boxing is still a popular sport all over the globe. Boxing does not require that you go to a gym. All you need is a pair of gloves, some punching bags, and a few friends to spar with.

Local amateur boxing clubs are also available where you can train with professional coaches. You’ll be ready for tournaments once you have mastered basic combinations and punches.

How much weight can I lift during a workout?

For strength improvement, weight lifting is an essential part of your fitness routine. There are some things you need to remember when lifting weights. You should not overdo it. You should lift heavier weights at least once a week. Third, repeat each exercise eight times. Fourth, between sets, take 2 minutes to rest. Fifth, all exercises should be performed without momentum. And lastly, put more emphasis on form than speed.


  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (
  • You want to be running at roughly 75-80% of your top speed..5 mile slow, easy recovery jog at the end.[6]X Research source 2Mix in long runs, shadow boxing, and short sprints on non-interval days. (

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How To

How to learn to box to exercise

How to learn to box for exercise

Boxing is a sport that improves self confidence and physical fitness. Boxing is a popular sport. It requires speed, agility and strength.

It’s a great way for you to feel fit and healthy. You’ll love the activity and want to continue it.

There are many types of boxing training programs. Some require you to train at home while others are done in gyms or health clubs. You can also study online from any location in the world.

Make sure you choose a program that meets your needs and is compatible with your lifestyle. The best programs include exercises designed to build muscle mass, increase flexibility, improve cardiovascular endurance, and enhance overall well-being.

You should also consider whether you prefer a beginner’s course or a more advanced one. Beginner’s courses usually cover basic techniques such as shadowboxing or sparring, mittwork and punching combinations. Advanced programs often cover more complex movements, and include a greater variety of exercises.

A beginner’s program typically lasts eight weeks and costs less $100. These programs do not provide guidance about nutrition, weight, injury prevention or any other aspect of boxing training.

Advanced programs can last up to six months, and usually cost about $300. These programs often include nutrition advice, stretching routines and warm-up exercises. They also provide instruction on proper technique. Some programs include resistance training such as lifting weights and aerobic conditioning such as running.