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Deji reveals what Floyd Mayweather was shouting at him during his defeat to legendary boxer

YOUTUBER Deji has revealed what legendary boxer Floyd Mayweather was shouting at him during their exhibition fight on Sunday.

The 25-year-old, whose real name is Oladeji Olatunji, headed into the fight with Mayweather with a losing record of 1-3.

Floyd Mayweather taunted Deji during the fight

Mayweather stopped Deji in Round Six

But his sole goal was to land a shot on Mayweather, which he did, leaving a visible mark underneath Money’s left eye.

But Deji was ultimately outclassed by Mayweather and the fight was stopped in Round Six.

Throughout the fight, Mayweather was routinely speaking to Deji.

The younger brother of YouTube mega star, KSI, revealed to SecondsOut: “I mean, it was very unorthodox.

“I’m normally used to sparring people who are more technical. 

“He was just having fun in there and doing whatever. He was talking a lot.”

Mayweather was saying “I’m Money Mayweather; I do what I do”.

The pair embraced after the stoppage and Mayweather spoke glowingly of Deji.


Mayweather said he was “glad” that Deji “landed a good shot”, which left a mark under his eye.

The 45-year-old stated: “I’m glad that Deji landed a good shot. 

“This is part of fighting, this is part of entertaining. Everyone wanted to see entertainment and that’s what we have them tonight.

“I always want you to go after your dreams and what you believe in. I didn’t get to where I got to overnight.

“I had a great time, I couldn’t do it myself. Deji, you are a tough competitor, I’m proud of you, keep up the great work.”

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the average time it takes to become a professional fighter?

It takes years of hard work and dedication to become a professional boxer. To become a professional fighter, you will need to devote at least 10 hours per weeks to training.

How much weight should I lift when working out?

If you are looking to increase your strength, weight lifting is a must. Lifting weights should be done with care. First, make sure that you don’t overdo it. The second is to lift heavier loads every other day. Third, perform each exercise for 8 repetitions. Fourth, take a break between sets for 2 minutes. Fifth, complete all exercises using no momentum. Finally, be focused on form, not speed.

What are the benefits of learning to box?

Here are some reasons to learn boxing:

  • It builds confidence. Learning to box will give you the courage to face bullies or other people who might try to bully you.
  • It improves your physical and mental health. Boxing builds muscle mass. Muscle mass will make you stronger.
  • It helps you to learn self-defense skills. If you know how to fight, then you will be able to protect your self.
  • It develops your mental toughness. When you face challenges, mental toughness is essential.
  • This gives you an incredible sense of achievement. When you master a particular technique, it will make you feel like a true fighter.
  • It’s fun! There’s nothing better than getting punched in the stomach.
  • It’s cheap. All you need are a pair of punching bags and boxing gloves.
  • It doesn’t require much space


  • It is just like normal sparring with a partner, but you want to throw punches at 75% of your normal speed. (
  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (

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How To

How to learn to box to exercise

How to Learn to Box For Exercise

Your goal in learning boxing is self-confidence and improvement of your physical fitness. Boxing is one of the most popular sports in the world. It requires speed, strength, agility, stamina and coordination.

Boxing is an excellent way to lose weight and feel great about yourself. You’ll enjoy it so much, you’ll want more.

There are many types of boxing training programs. Some programs are offered at local gyms and others at your home. There are also online courses which allow you to study from anywhere in the world.

Make sure you choose a program that meets your needs and is compatible with your lifestyle. The best programs include exercises designed to build muscle mass, increase flexibility, improve cardiovascular endurance, and enhance overall well-being.

Also, consider whether you prefer an advanced or beginner course. Beginner’s courses usually cover basic techniques such as shadowboxing or sparring, mittwork and punching combinations. Advanced programs typically offer a wider variety of exercises and cover more complex movements.

Beginners’ programs generally last around eight weeks and cost less than $100. However, they do not offer guidance on nutrition, weight reduction, injury prevention, or any other aspects of boxing training.

Advanced programs generally last around six months and cost approximately $300. These programs often include nutrition advice, stretching routines and warm-up exercises. They also provide instruction on proper technique. Some programs include resistance training such as lifting weights and aerobic conditioning such as running.