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Fabio Wardley Reflects on Bloodbath Draw with Frazer Clarke

Fight of a Lifetime

Fabio Wardley, the Ipswich heavyweight, recently engaged in a thrilling and bloody draw with Frazer Clarke, marking one of the most intense British title fights in recent memory.

Blood, Sweat, and Cheers

Wardley, who suffered a severe gash to his nose and dropped Clarke in the fifth round, acknowledges that such fights come at a cost, admitting that it may have taken years off his life.

Life in the Ring

Despite the toll it took on him, Wardley remains proud of the fight and the entertainment it provided to fans, emphasizing the value of going through such challenges in the ring.

Future Plans

With demand for a rematch already brewing, Wardley, managed by Dillian Whyte, is keeping his options open and exploring different opportunities in the boxing world.

Looking Ahead

While the rematch with Clarke is a possibility, Wardley is taking time to reassess his next steps, considering the impact of such intense fights on his well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is boxing good for getting fit?

Yes, boxing improves overall fitness. It is a full body, high intensity workout that increases cardiovascular health, muscular endurance, coordination, and flexibility. It is also a great way to relieve stress and boost your discipline and confidence.

How can I protect meself in boxing

In boxing, defense involves a variety of techniques. These include maintaining a solid defensive position with your hands raised, using footwork for distance and using head movements such as slips and rolls to avoid punches. These defensive skills are just as crucial as your offensive abilities.

How important is recovery in boxing training?

In boxing, recovery is crucial as it helps your body heal and become stronger. Rest, stretching, sleep, hydration and a healthy diet are all important for a quick recovery. Ignoring recovery may lead to injury, overtraining and decreased performance.


  • Beginner boxers tend to make the mistake of holding their breath in 70% of cases during their initial training sessions.
  • Approximately 50% of beginner boxers drop out within the first six months, highlighting the importance of sustaining motivation and setting realistic goals.
  • Boxing has one of the lowest rates of injury compared to other contact sports, with approximately 1.1 injuries per 1,000 minutes of athletics.
  • About 25% of people who take up boxing transition to competitive amateur boxing within their first two years of training.
  • On average, beginners who undergo proper boxing training can expect to burn anywhere from 300 to 500 calories per hour.
  • Approximately 80% of boxing injuries occur during training, not in actual competition.
  • Women are joining boxing in increasing numbers, rising by about 15% in the past decade, indicating growing gender diversity in the sport.
  • Despite the stereotype that boxing is a young person’s sport, approximately 20% of all beginners are over the age of 40.
  • Research indicates that nearly 70% of punches thrown by boxers during a match are jabs.
  • It is estimated that 60% of beginner boxers do not use the correct size gloves, which can increase the risk of injury.

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How To

How to Breathe Correctly When Boxing

Breathing correctly during boxing can prevent fatigue and improve performance. When throwing punches, breathe in through the nose to fill up your lung capacity and out through your lips. This exhalation will tense and protect your core when it hits. By practicing rhythmic breaths while shadowboxing or doing bag work, you can make this a habit for sparring and fights.

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