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Floyd Mayweather vs Mikuru Asakura LIVE RESULT: Stream, TV channel, latest updates from Japan exhibition

FLOYD MAYWEATHER is making his return to the ring in another money-spinning bout, this time against Japanese MMA fighter Mikuru Asakura.

Floyd Mayweather will face Mikuru Asakura at the Super Saitama Arena

Start time: From 4am BST

TV channel/ live stream: Fite.TV

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best way to learn boxing without fighting?

You can’t train boxing without fighting. It takes hard work to improve your boxing technique. It is possible to improve your boxing technique.

You can improve your boxing technique by watching good boxers compete. The first step towards improving your boxing technique is to watch some good fighters. Watch their moves, how they throw the punches, and how you defend yourself. Then try to imitate their techniques.

Next, you’ll need to spar against another boxer. This is where your ability to improve your boxing technique will be revealed. When you spar, you’ll also notice how fast you can punch, how strong your punches feel, and how well you block incoming punches.

Finally, practice your boxing skills with drills. You will improve with practice so be patient and persevering.

What is Boxing and how does it work?

Boxing is an intense sport in which two people attempt to knock their opponent out by hitting them in both the head or face. The objective of boxing involves hitting your opponent as hard, but not causing any injury. This can only happen if both boxers are able to throw heavy punches. They must also be able to coordinate their hand-eye movements.

How can a beginner learn to box at home?

Boxing is one the oldest known sports. Boxing was created in ancient times to help warriors fight off their enemies. Boxing is still widely practised today. Boxing doesn’t require you to attend a gym. You only need a pair of gloves and some punching bags.

You can also find local amateur boxing clubs where you can join and get trained by professional coaches. After mastering basic punches, combinations, and other skills, you can compete in tournaments.


  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (
  • You want to be running at roughly 75-80% of your top speed..5 mile slow, easy recovery jog at the end.[6]X Research source 2Mix in long runs, shadow boxing, and short sprints on non-interval days. (

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How To

How to learn to box for exercise

How to learn to box for exercise

You learn boxing to increase your physical fitness and self-confidence. Boxing is a popular sport. It requires speed, agility and strength.

Boxing can be a great exercise and a way to improve your self-esteem. You will find that the activity is enjoyable and you want to continue doing it.

There are many options for boxing training. Some programs are offered at local gyms and others at your home. There are also online courses which allow you to study from anywhere in the world.

Be sure to consider your goals when choosing a program. Also, ensure it fits your lifestyle. The best programs focus on exercises that increase muscle mass, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance. They also promote overall well being.

It’s important to decide whether you prefer a beginner-level course or one that is more advanced. Beginner’s programs typically teach fundamental techniques and drills like shadowboxing, sparring and mitt work. Advanced programs usually cover more complicated movements and offer more options.

A beginner’s program typically lasts eight weeks and costs less $100. These programs don’t give any nutritional, weight loss, or injury prevention advice.

Advanced programs typically last six months and cost around $300. They may include nutritional advice, stretching, warm-up exercises and instruction on proper technique. Some programs include resistance training, such as lifting weights, and aerobic conditioning, such as running.