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KSI forced to apologise and delete YouTube video before taking social media break after using racial slur

KSI has announced he is taking a break from social media after apologising a racial slur in a recent YouTube video.

The YouTuber-turned-boxer said the word ‘p***’ in a recent Sidemen video – the group he founded alongside six other creators.

KSI has apologised for using the racial slur and is set to take a break from social media

The video has been taken down and KSI issued an apology for an offence he may have caused.

He posted a statement on Twitter which read: “I wanna apologise for saying a racial slur in a recent Sidemen video.

“There’s no excuse, no matter the circumstances, I shouldn’t have said it and I’m sorry.

“I’ve always said to my audience that they shouldn’t worship me or put me on a pedestal because I’m human. I’m not perfect, I’m gonna mess up in life, and lately I’ve been messing up a lot.

“So I’ve decided I’m gonna just take a break from social media for a while.”

Fans criticised the 29-year-old despite his apology, claiming he should have known better.

One wrote: “Been a KSI fan for the longest but so weird for him to say ‘p***’ in the latest Sidemen vid even if they bleeped it & it was ‘in jest’ for content.”

Another added: “Other racial slurs wouldn’t be used as punchlines for YouTube gameshows. Just makes light of the word + certain people’s experience.”

A third said: “Nah KSI you’re not funny man you cannot say “P***” in any context.

“These lot will do anything for content

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the potential benefits of learning to Box?

Here are some reasons to learn boxing:

  • It builds confidence. Being able to box will help you face bullies and other bullies.
  • It improves your overall health. Boxing helps build muscle mass. Muscle mass is what makes you stronger.
  • It teaches self defense skills. Learn how to fight to learn how you can protect yourself.
  • It builds mental toughness. It is crucial to have mental toughness when faced with challenges.
  • You feel accomplished. Once you have learned a technique you’ll feel like you are a real boxer.
  • It’s fun! There’s nothing better than getting punched in the stomach.
  • It’s cheap. It only takes a pair if boxing gloves, and a punchingbag.
  • It doesn’t take up much space

How can you improve your punching form?

Punching form is one of the most important parts of boxing. If you want to be a better boxer, you must master punch technique. These are some tips that will help you improve your punching technique.

  • Keep your head high. Your head should always be up while throwing punches.
  • Punch from the shoulder. Use your shoulder to strike the target when you punch.
  • Pay attention to your feet. Focus on your feet when punching.
  • Throw short, quick punches. You will feel tired quicker if you throw longer punches.
  • Don’t forget about defense! Always block any incoming punches.
  • Use your elbows. You can defend yourself by using your elbows.
  • Your legs are your best friend. Learn to properly use your legs.
  • Do it every day. Keep training even if it makes you tired. It takes practice to get good at anything.
  • Have fun Enjoy what you are doing.
  • Keep your eyes open and take deep, slow breaths. Breathing correctly will make you stronger and give you energy.
  • Relax. Don’t be too concerned about making mistakes. Just focus on learning new things.
  • Be patient. Boxing is not easy. It takes time to perfect your skills.
  • Never stop improving. There is always room for improvement.
  • Listen to music. Music can be a great way to relax and concentrate while training.
  • Check out these videos featuring professional boxers. It can inspire you to do better.
  • Read books. Reading can help you understand boxing techniques better.
  • You need to take breaks. Sometimes it’s helpful to take a break when you are boxing. Play soccer or basketball outside.
  • Find a coach. Boxing is a sport that requires a coach with a lot of experience. This will help you to improve quicker.
  • Do push-ups. Push-ups are great to build strength and endurance.

What are the 7 punches in boxing?

The seven punches used in boxing include the jab (cross), hook, uppercut; straight right; left hook; and body shot. These punches attack the opponent’s head or body.

How do beginner boxers train?

Although boxing is one the oldest sports, it has only recently been rediscovered as a popular sport. Boxing is a sport where two fighters face off against each other in a ring. They punch one another until one falls.

It is important to decide if you like boxing before you can start training to become a fighter. Check out some YouTube fights to get a feel for what it is like to hit someone. Once you have decided that boxing is for you, you can decide what style of fight you prefer.

How to protect yourself

Always defend your head when you’re being attacked. The goal is to avoid getting punched. To avoid being punched, you must learn how to stop an incoming punch. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Be tall and square your shoulders.
  2. Keep your elbows close to your sides.
  3. Block the incoming punch by using your forearm.
  4. Counterattack immediately.
  5. Continue blocking the attacker until he runs away.
  6. Don’t let your defense slip.

How much weight should I lift when working out?

Weight lifting is essential if you want to improve your strength. There are some things you need to remember when lifting weights. It is important to not do too much. Aim to lift heavierweights every other days. Third, you should do 8 repetitions of each exercise. Fourth, take a break between sets for 2 minutes. Fifth, do all exercises without momentum. The last tip is to focus on form over speed.

What are the advantages of boxing?

Boxing is associated with many health benefits. Boxing builds strong bones and muscles. It improves your coordination and reflexes. It also strengthens your heart and lungs. The best part is that boxing doesn’t require any special equipment. You can use whatever you have around the house.


  • You want to be running at roughly 75-80% of your top speed..5 mile slow, easy recovery jog at the end.[6]X Research source 2Mix in long runs, shadow boxing, and short sprints on non-interval days. (
  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (

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How To

How to box for training

How to Learn to Box For Exercise

Boxing is a sport that improves self confidence and physical fitness. Boxing has become a very popular sport. It requires strength and speed as well agility, coordination, balance, power, and accuracy.

Boxing can be a great exercise and a way to improve your self-esteem. It will be a fun activity that you will want to do again and again.

There are many boxing training options. Some take place at gyms or health clubs while others require you to train at home. Online courses allow you to learn from anywhere in the globe.

Make sure you choose a program that meets your needs and is compatible with your lifestyle. The best programs will include exercises that help build muscle mass and flexibility, improve cardiovascular endurance, enhance well-being, as well as increase overall wellbeing.

You should also consider whether you prefer a beginner’s course or a more advanced one. Beginner’s programs usually teach basic techniques and drills such as shadowboxing, sparring, mitt work, and punching combinations. Advanced programs cover more complex movements and offer more variety.

These programs are generally less expensive than $100 and last for eight weeks. However, they don’t provide any guidance on nutrition, weight loss, injury prevention, or other aspects of boxing training.

Advanced programs generally last around six months and cost approximately $300. They can include nutrition advice, stretching routines, warm up exercises, and instructions on proper technique. In addition, some programs incorporate resistance training (such as lifting weights) and aerobic conditioning (such as running).