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Watch as Floyd Mayweather weighs in over ONE STONE less than YouTuber Deji ahead of exhibition fight in Dubai

FLOYD MAYWEATHER weighed in over a STONE lighter than YouTuber Deji ahead of their exhibition bout in Dubai.

The boxing legend returns on Sunday night at the Coca-Cola Arena over eight spectacle rounds.

Floyd Mayweather weighing in for his bout in Dubai

And he came face to face with his most inexperienced challenger of all time at the pre-fight weigh in.

Mayweather, 45, hit the scales at 70kg, or 11 stone, which is his second highest weight ever.

Deji, 25, was up just before and came it at 79.5, or 12st 5lb to take in a much needed weight advanatage in the bout.

Mayweather said: “I’ve displayed my skills for so many years, 26 years as a professional just being able.

“In 1996 I went to the Olympics and competed against the best fighters from all around the world.

“As a professional, fighting the top competition from all around the world and just being able to do exhibitions now and compete against people from all walks of life.

“It’s great to be here and tomorrow, I’m going to go out there and put on a show.”

Mayweather is boxing in his fifth exhibitions since officially retiring in 2017 after beating UFC superstar Conor McGregor, 34.

Deji on the other hand celebrated his first win in August, against online rival Fousey, following three prior losses.

And now, in just his fifth appearance in the ring he shares the ring with one of the greats.

Deji said: “I’m just here to have fun, it’s going to be a good time. I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

YouTuber Deji hits the scales

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the 7 punches in boxing?

These seven punches are: jab cross, hook hook, uppercut straight right, left hook and body shot. These punches are used for attacking the opponent’s body, head, and legs.

How do you practice boxing punches.

Boxing punches are practiced using a punching bag. You will continue to punch the bag until the technique is perfected. Next, you’ll move on to the next part of your body. Once you feel confident with the area, move on to next.

What is the difference in a left and right hook?

A left hook is thrown at the side of the body and a right crossover is thrown at the front.

The opponent is facing the back of the left hook. The elbow is bent 90 degrees, while the wrist is turned 45 degrees towards the opponent.

A right cross is thrown with the palm facing the opponent’s face and the elbow straight. The opponent’s wrist is rotated 45 degrees to the side.


  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (
  • It is just like normal sparring with a partner, but you want to throw punches at 75% of your normal speed. (

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How To

Here are some basic skills in boxing

How to box effectively

Boxing has become a very popular sport. It involves two people who attempt to knock each other out of their heads. Each country has its own rules. There are three types: Amateur, Professional, or Olympic boxing.

Amateur boxing usually takes place at school, college and university. This type includes sparring sessions using padded gloves, but without protection. Amateur boxing contests are usually three rounds in length, lasting five minutes each. There are many types of amateur boxing: Kickboxing, Muay Thai and Taekwondo.

Most professional boxing takes place in gyms, clubs, and stadiums. They are equipped with protective equipment including a mouthpiece and nose guard, shinguards as well as elbow pads, knee pads. Waist belts and groin protectors. Professional boxing contests last six rounds and last for four minutes each. There are many styles to professional boxing.

Olympic boxing is performed at the Olympics. Boxers wear special protective gear, which must conform to international standards. The competition lasts eight rounds of three minutes each. There are only two styles of Olympic boxing; Light Flyweight and Heavyweight.

The basics of boxing are:

  • Punching techniques
  • Techniques for protecting yourself
  • Footwork
  • Stance
  • Body movement
  • Defense
  • Combination
  • Rotation
  • Spare parts

Punching Techniques

There are seven types. Each punch is unique. Some punches require more force than others. For example, an uppercut requires great force. However, a straight punch is much more powerful and faster than other punches.

There are also various punching combinations. These are combinations made up of several punches that can be used together to achieve one goal. A combination can contain multiple parts. An example of this is a left hook, followed by a right crossing. This will damage the opponent’s jaw.

Guard Techniques

To defend himself from being attacked, a boxer uses his entire body. He does this using his legs and arms, elbows as well as hands, knees and feet.


A boxer must use his legs to defend against kicks. When he receives a kick, he raises his leg and moves away from the attacker. To avoid being kicked on his side, he will bend his knees if the attack is from the front. If the attack is from the side, he will bend his knees to avoid being kicked on the side.


Elbow strikes are very effective because they inflict much pain. You can either deliver an elbow strike directly, or indirectly. Directly, you strike your opponent with your forearm. Indirectly, you hit him with another portion of your arm.


Boxers use their hands to block incoming blows. To do so, they raise their fists above their head and move them towards the direction of the attack. Then, they touch the attacker’s hand.


A boxer should bend his knees in order to absorb any blows to his stomach, abdomen, chest or stomach. Knee strikes can be used to defend yourself.


Boxers should respond to being attacked by their opponent by standing back and delivering counter-attacks. He can then gain distance from his opponent. Additionally, boxers need to maintain their balance when they counter-attack.


To box effectively, a boxer must establish a stance. His stance will determine how he defends. It defines where he faces his opponent and how he positions his body. Boxers have many stances to choose from. Here are the most commonly used ones:

  • Low stance
  • High stance
  • Southpaw stance
  • Western stance

Body Movement

In order to win a fight, a boxer must move around his opponent. This involves changing positions, speed, rhythm and timing.


Boxers rotate their arms when they throw a punch. Depending on the type and size of punch, the speed at which the rotation takes place varies.


The timing of each punch determines the effectiveness of a combination. A combination that works well starts with strong punches and ends with weak ones is a winning combination.

Spare parts

Sparring is a form of boxing that aims to improve your skills. Sparring allows a boxer to improve his mental and physical skills. Sparring, in conclusion, is about learning how to fight and not getting hurt.

It is important to be patient and dedicated when learning how to box. To become a better boxer, you must train hard and for a long time.