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Australian cricket star Cameron Green opens up about his kidney illness

Discovering the illness

Australian cricketer Cameron Green, known for his exceptional skills on the field, has recently revealed that he has been battling a kidney illness. The 24-year-old, who has been playing for Australia since 2020, was diagnosed with stage two kidney disease before he was even born. Despite the challenges he has faced, Green has managed to keep his condition hidden from the public and his teammates.

A lifelong struggle

Green shared that he didn't know if he would live past the age of 12 due to his kidney disease. However, he has been able to stabilize the condition over the years. The disease affects Green's body's ability to filter blood properly, with his kidneys currently functioning at around six percent. Chronic kidney disease has five stages, with stage five requiring either a transplant or dialysis. Fortunately, Green is currently at stage two.

An ongoing battle

Throughout his life, Green has undergone regular ultrasounds to monitor the size and health of his kidneys. While he considers himself fortunate to not be as physically affected by the disease as others with the same condition, he knows that he must take proper care of his kidneys to prevent further deterioration. Green's openness about his illness has shed light on the challenges he faces both on and off the field.

A resilient star

Despite his kidney disease, Green has managed to establish himself as one of Australia's brightest cricket stars. He made his professional debut at the age of 16 and broke into Australia's ODI side in 2020. Although he temporarily lost his spot in the Test side during the summer, Green is determined to fight his way back into the team and continue to shine on the cricket field.