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Premier League

Ian Wright Opens Up About Emotional Arsenal Departure

Arsenal legend Ian Wright recently shared the emotional moment he was told to leave the club in 1998. Wright, who had a sensational seven-year spell with the Gunners, scored 185 goals in 288 appearances and became a club legend. However, then-manager Arsene Wenger and vice-chairman David Dein decided to end Wright's Arsenal career two years before he planned to retire.

A Shocking Conversation in Paris

Speaking on Sky Sports' Stick to Football podcast, Wright revealed the surprising conversation that led to his departure. He recalled receiving a call from David Dein, who invited him to Paris to meet with Arsene Wenger. Wright admitted to being naive and thinking it was just a casual chat. But as soon as he entered the room and saw the serious expressions on their faces, he knew he was on his way out.

A Change of Plans

Wright explained that he never expected to leave Arsenal since he had always planned to retire in 2000. However, the sudden decision forced him to find a new club. He went on to play for West Ham, Forest on loan, and eventually Celtic.

Full Circle at Burnley

Reflecting on his time at Burnley, Wright described it as a "full circle" moment. He credited coach Stan Ternent for taking the time to explain the intricacies of the game and helping him improve his skills. Wright had a fantastic six-seven months at Burnley and felt a strong camaraderie among the players. The experience at Burnley gave him solace after a tumultuous period of changing clubs.

Despite the abrupt end to his time at Arsenal, Wright found joy and success at other clubs, proving his resilience and talent.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kind of goalkeeper gloves provides the best grip and protection?

Gloves with latex palms offer the best grip in a variety of playing conditions. The latex palm thickness and density are adjustable to balance gripping power and durability. Gloves equipped with finger protection, including spines or stiffening elements, can reduce the risk of hyperextension injury to the fingers. A good pair of gloves should also be comfortable and fit well to enable the goalkeeper to perform at their best.

Why do football players need to wear shinguards?

Shin guards are a mandatory piece of equipment for footballers as they provide vital protection to the lower legs, which are vulnerable to injury during tackles and collisions. These guards help protect the shins, preventing serious injuries such as severe bruising or fractures. Wearing shin guards is enforced by football’s governing authorities to promote player safety within the sport.

How do I know if my football boots fit properly?

For a proper fit, your football boots should be snug, but not too tight. This will allow for movement, without allowing the foot to slide inside the boot. The space between your toes, and the front of your boot should be approximately a thumb-width to prevent the toes from being crammed in when running or kicking. Consider the width of your foot and select a style that can accommodate narrow or large feet. Try on your boots with socks, and make sure they are fully laced.

Are there specific regulations surrounding equipment in competitive football matches?

It is true that competitive football matches enforce equipment regulations in order to protect players and maintain the integrity of the game. The rules of football stipulate that standard equipment is required, including jerseys with sleeves and shorts. Also, socks are required to cover the shin guards. Equipment and apparel that can be dangerous to players or opponents is strictly prohibited. The rules can differ by league, and even age group.

What are the factors I should consider when buying a soccer?

Consider the size of the ball, its material, and its construction. For players 12 years and older, including adults, the size 5 is recommended. The size of the shoe should be based on your age. The material should be suited for the playing environment – leather for natural grass and synthetic materials for rougher surfaces. Thermal-bonded balls are also better at waterproofing and retaining their shape than stitched ones. Durability and flight stability should also be considered.


  • A survey found that nearly 80% of football players believe that high-quality football socks are essential for optimal performance.
  • Studies show that the proper use of shin guards can reduce the risk of injuries in football players by up to 70%.
  • Research has indicated that around 60% of football-related ankle injuries could be mitigated with the correct choice of footwear.
  • Around 25% of youth football players have reported using equipment that is either outdated or not suited to their position on the field.
  • Goalkeeper gloves with advanced grip technology have been adopted by 85% of professional goalkeepers in top leagues around the world.

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How To

How to Choose the Best Goalkeeper Gloves?

Selecting the right goalkeeper gloves can make a significant difference. It is vital to consider grip when choosing gloves for different weather conditions. Palms made of latex offer the best grip. The fit should be snug, allowing for some movement without slipping. Gloves equipped with finger protection help reduce injuries caused by hyperextension. Take into account the type of padding as well–thicker padding can offer more protection but may take away from the feel of the ball. Attention should also be paid to the wrist strap. This will help keep gloves in place while diving.

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