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Premier League

Laura Woods Haunted by Picture of Premier League Manager that Keeps Popping Up in Her Home

TNT Sports Host Jokes About Haunting Polaroid

Laura Woods, host of TNT Sports, has playfully claimed that she is being haunted by a picture of Premier League manager Ange Postecoglou. The polaroid snap, taken last summer at Wimbledon, keeps mysteriously appearing throughout her home.

The Unwanted Guest

Despite being a fan of Arsenal's Mikel Arteta, Woods has admitted to having a soft spot for Postecoglou. However, she cannot escape the haunting polaroid of her and the Tottenham boss. The picture has been found in various unexpected locations, leaving Woods puzzled.

Appreciating Postecoglou's Talent

While Woods finds the constant appearance of the polaroid amusing, she also commends Postecoglou's skills as a coach. She expresses disappointment that his success with Spurs poses a threat to her beloved Arsenal. Despite this, she would not trade him for Arteta.

A Fashionable Appearance

Woods recently turned heads at the Netflix event in London, where she sported a striking all-black ensemble on the red carpet. Her stylish look added to the buzz surrounding the premiere of the new Six Nations documentary series, set to be released on January 24.


Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should I consider when selecting a football?

Consider the size of the ball, its material, and its construction. Size 5 is the standard for players aged 12 and above, including adults. Sizes should be smaller for younger players. The material should be suited for the playing environment – leather for natural grass and synthetic materials for rougher surfaces. Thermal-bonded balls are also better at waterproofing and retaining their shape than stitched ones. Durability and flight stability should also be considered.

Can the choice in socks have an impact on a football player’s performance?

Absolutely. Football socks are designed to support and protect a player’s feet during intense play. The socks help to keep the shinguards on, they reduce friction which prevents blisters and they cushion the foot. Good football socks will improve a players comfort which will in turn affect their performance.

How can I be sure that my football shoes are fitted correctly?

To ensure proper fit for your football boots, they should be snug but not too tight, allowing for some movement without the foot sliding inside the boot. To avoid jamming your toes into the boot when you run or kick, there should be a space of about a finger’s width between the toes of the boot and the front. The width of the foot is also important. Choose a boot with a wide or narrow fit. For the best fit, try on boots while wearing football socks.

What equipment is allowed in competitive football?

Yes, competitive football matches often enforce specific equipment regulations to ensure player safety and game integrity. The laws of the sport stipulate standard equipment like jerseys with sleeve, shorts, socks over shinguards or appropriate footwear. The use of equipment or accessories that are dangerous to the player, or even their opponents, is prohibited. Players must adhere to the rules and regulations that vary depending on leagues, age groups, etc. to avoid penalties.

Should I wear compression equipment when playing football

Compression gear such as leggings or shorts can be beneficial to football players. They may increase blood flow, reduce fatigue and help speed recovery after a game or training. It is believed that the material’s tight fit also helps to stabilize muscles. However, the choice to wear compression gear is personal, and comfort should be the primary consideration when selecting such equipment.


  • Approximately 40% of amateur football players wear boots that are not properly fitted, increasing the risk of foot injuries.
  • Over 90% of professional football players wear boots with synthetic uppers for better performance and durability.
  • Compression garments are used by about 50% of professional football players during training sessions for muscle support and injury prevention.
  • Data shows that thermo-bonded footballs, known for their consistent performance, are preferred by 65% of professional football clubs for matches.
  • Globally, the demand for lightweight football cleats has risen by about 30% in the past decade, reflecting changes in player preferences and playing styles.

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How To

How To Fit A Football Helmet Correctly

To ensure the safety of players, it is important to have a properly fitted football helmet. Be sure that the jaw pad is snug against your cheeks, and the helmet should sit one inch above your eyebrows. The chin band should be in the middle and tightened until no more than a finger can be squeezed between it and your chin. Always check the stability of the helmet. It should not move on the head, or slide down onto the eyes when jostled. If you want to fit your helmet correctly, it is best to get professional assistance.