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French sports genes in the Pavon family: From football to golf

24.10.2003. Girondins de Bordeaux former club player Michel Pavon is announced at a press conference as the club's new coach by club President Jean-Louis Triaud after he sacked former coach Elie Baup. Pic: EPA / SAURA PASCAL

Family Legacy

The Pavon family boasts a rich sporting history, with Michel Pavon, a former French footballer, paving the way for his son, Matthieu Pavon, a rising star in the world of golf.

Football Roots

Michel Pavon, known for his time with teams like Toulouse and Bordeaux, made a mark in the football world by scoring against Manchester United in a Champions League match 24 years ago.

Rising Golf Star

Matthieu Pavon, following in his father's footsteps, has chosen to pursue a career in golf and is currently ranked as the world No25. He recently clinched his first PGA Tour title at the Farmers Insurance Open, marking a historic moment for French golf.

Multi-Sport Connections

Not stopping at football and golf, the Pavon family's sporting connections extend further, with granddad Ignacio Pavon having played football for Marseille in the 1960s.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is proper golf course etiquette and how do I follow it?

Golf etiquette should be respected as much as the rules. You can also recognize the pace by walking quickly and being ready to hit your shot as soon as it is your turn. Be respectful of other players and remain silent when someone is about to swing. Safety is a key factor – do not play a stroke until the group behind you is no longer within reach. Take care of the course by repairing divots, raking bunkers, and fixing ball marks on the greens. It is also polite to follow the dress code for the course that you are playing.

How do I know my golf handicap?

A golf handicap is an objective measure of the golfer’s ability. It allows players with different skill levels to compete in a fair manner. To establish a handicap, you need to submit scores from a minimum number of rounds (the specific number may vary by country’s golf association) to your golf club’s handicap committee or a handicap service. These scores are adjusted for the difficulty of the course and the tee from which you played, using a specific calculation method that averages the best differential scores from the rounds submitted. You can get detailed instructions on how to calculate handicaps from your club or national association.

Do men and women have different golf equipment?

Yes, there are differences between men’s and women’s golf equipment, mainly due to variations in physicality and swing speeds. Women’s equipment is typically lighter with more flexible shafts. This allows for a slower swing speed. Women’s clubs are usually designed to have a greater launch angle. This helps them to hit the ball higher. The grips tend to be smaller for smaller hands and the aesthetic design can also differ. However, equipment should not be solely based on gender, but rather individual abilities, physical characteristics, and personal preferences.

What are the best golf clubs for beginners?

A basic set of clubs will be more than enough for beginners. Standard sets usually include a driver, two woods (such as a 3-wood or 5-wood), an iron set ranging from 4-9, a pitching wedge and a putter. For bunker shots, many players find it useful to use a sand wedge. Professional golfers can carry 14 clubs as per the rules. However, for beginners, it is best to master only a few clubs. When just starting out, concentrate on clubs you find comfortable and easy to use to develop confidence in your swing.

Can I play alone or do I require a partner to play?

You can play golf solo. Many people enjoy the personal challenge and peace that comes with playing alone. Solo play helps you concentrate on your golf without distractions, and is an excellent way to practice. Golf is a very social sport and playing with others enhances the experience. There’s competition, camaraderie as well the chance to pick up new skills. Golf courses are generally open to individual play during slower times. Some may even pair single players up with groups in peak times.

How can I improve the way I play golf?

It takes practice, good technique, as well as professional instruction, to improve your swing. Begin with the fundamentals of a solid stance, grip, and posture. You must maintain a fluid, balanced swing by maintaining a balanced stance, with feet at shoulder width apart. Slow motion practice will help you understand the different components of your swing, including the clubface alignment and point of contact. To improve your technique, work with a golf coach and receive personalized feedback. Also spend time driving the course or at the practice range. Consistency, not power, is the key.

Does it make sense to hire a professional instructor for golf lessons?

Even though it’s optional to take lessons from professionals, they can help you improve your golf game. This is particularly true for intermediate and beginner players. A qualified golf instructor can offer you personalized guidance, help correct fundamental flaws and mental aspects, and give advice tailored for your specific playing style. Sometimes, self-teaching leads to bad habits which are difficult to change. Even seasoned golfers benefit from occasional tune-ups with a pro to ensure their technique remains sound. Lessons can prove to be an excellent investment as they lead to increased enjoyment and improved scores on course.


  • More than 75% of beginners who participate in structured practice report feeling more confident on the golf course.
  • The average golfer spends about $500 on initial equipment when committing to learn the game.
  • Golfers who use a golf-specific fitness program can increase their drive distance by an average of 15 yards, benefitting their overall game.
  • Golfers who take lessons improve their game twice as fast as those who choose to learn through trial and error.
  • About 85% of golf instructors recommend that new players focus on short game skills as an effective way to reduce their scores.
  • Players with a consistent pre-shot routine are 50% less likely to make a mistake due to external distractions.
  • Roughly 60% of golfers who maintain a handicap index see an improvement in their scores year over year.

External Links

How To

How to Manage frustration and stress on the Golf Course

Managing stress and frustration on the golf course starts with setting realistic expectations for your abilities and the understanding that golf is a game of patience and learning. Practice deep breathing exercises to calm the nerves and maintain focus. Stay in the moment by focusing your attention on the shot you are about to take. Accepting mistakes as an opportunity to improve and learn is a great way to approach the game. Consider walking between the holes as an exercise to reduce stress. It will also help clear your head for the next shot. Remember that golfing is a leisure activity and your main goal should be enjoyment.

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