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Horse Racing

Supreme Racing Club banned from owning horses in Ireland as HRI hit out at lack of information

IRISH racing authorities have stripped Supreme Racing Club of the ownership of all racehorses.

It comes as Horse Racing Ireland (HRI) hit out at the lack of information passed on from the syndicate after allegations of overselling shares in their horses were investigated.

It also leaves current Gold Cup antepost-favourite Kemboy without an official owner as the group will no longer be allowed to own or even part-own horses registered in Ireland.

HRI said in a statement: “Despite repeated requests, Supreme Racing Club has failed to provide the members’ details required under Horse Racing Ireland Directive 15 Racehorse Ownership, and as a result of not receiving this requested information, HRI is unable to stand over the shareholding of each horse – a fundamental aspect of any owner registration.

“After consulting with our legal advisers, the decision has been taken to void the owner registration for all horses run under Supreme Horse Racing Club in accordance with powers under HRI Directive 15 and Rule 123 (iv) of the Rules of Racing.

“Horse Racing Ireland is disappointed that it is necessary to take this step but due to the lack of engagement and failure to provide the necessary information there is no alternative but to withdraw approval of the club and to cancel its registrations as a recognised club.”

HRI Director of Racing Jason Morris said: “Horse Racing Ireland has received a significant amount of correspondence from concerned members of the Club since we suspended the registration last month, and we will be in contact with any of the Club members we have details for, to update them on our decision today.

“We will be sharing our information with our colleagues in the BHA. We have also reported our concerns around the administration of the club to the relevant authorities. ”

How this unfolds in the next few weeks is completely unknown. Supreme members have been told to keep quiet with a potential legal case on the horizon.

While the powers that be at Supreme have also remained tight lipped despite the increased scrutiny and growing unknown.

Supreme Racing Club could not be contacted for comment.