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Watch Jake Paul have a ‘heart to heart’ with Tommy Fury as he warns rival’s girlfriend Molly-Mae will cry after fight

JAKE PAUL had a bizarre “heart to heart” with a poster of Tommy Fury and warned he will leave Molly-Mae Hague in tears.

The celebrity prizefighting pair have finally announced the latest rescheduling of their anticipated grudge match.

Jake Paul talking to a posted of Tommy Fury

Molly-Mae pictured with boyfriend Tommy Fury

They will put unbeaten records, bragging rights and family reputation on the line on Sunday, February 26 in Saudi Arabia.

Paul, 26, is in London to officially face off with Fury, 23, for the first time, having flown in from Dubai where he was in training camp.

And the American found the time to have a bit of fun while on a press shoot to promote the pay-per-view bout.

Paul began talking and then stroking a picture of Fury and brought the Love Islander’s girlfriend Molly-Mae into it.

He said: “Everything is going to be OK. You’re going to make a lot of money.

“Yeah I know, I know Molly’s going to cry but you’re going to make a lot of money. Thank you for showing up.”

Paul’s Most Valuable Promotions boxing banner posted: “Heart to heart convos with Jake Paul and Tommy Fury.”

The pair’s latest fight announcement marks the third time the two will attempt to settle their score in the ring.

Fury was forced to pull out in December 2021 due to a rib injury and then last August amid a US visa issue.

But he hopes it really is third time lucky as he vowed to bury Paul’s boxing career in the desert.

He said: “Jake Paul’s boxing career ends on February 26th and I can finally move on with mine.

“Every time I go out right now, everybody asks me about the Jake Paul fight.

“After this fight is done, everybody will be asking me how it felt to knock Jake Paul out.”

Tommy Fury and Jake Paul are set to fight in February

Frequently Asked Questions

How much weight should I lift to be a successful shopper?

You must lift weights if your goal is to increase strength. However, there are certain guidelines you should keep in mind when lifting weights. You should not overdo it. Try to lift heavier weights every day. Third, you should do 8 repetitions of each exercise. Fourth, you should rest for two minutes between sets. Fifth, complete all exercises using no momentum. And lastly, put more emphasis on form than speed.

How long does it take for you to learn boxing

Learning boxing takes around 3 months. This includes learning the basics like footwork, balance, and stance. It’s important that you remember that boxing doesn’t only involve throwing punches. You must also learn to block and dodge attacks.

Where should I buy boxing equipment?

You can purchase boxing equipment online from many places. Amazon, eBay. Walmart. Target. and Sports Authority are just a few of the many places you can buy boxing equipment online. If you’re looking for cheap boxing gear, then you might want to check out discount stores like Ross or TJ Maxx.

You might consider purchasing quality gear from respected brands such as Warrior, Golden Glove and Premier Boxing Champions if you are looking for high-quality boxing gear.

How long does it take to become a professional boxer?

To become a professional boxer, it takes dedication and years of hard work. You will need to train at least 10 hours per semaine if you want to be a professional boxer.

How can you improve your punching form?

Boxing’s most important aspect is punching form. You must develop good punch technique if you want to become a better boxer. Here are some tips for improving your punching ability.

  • Keep your head up. When you are throwing punches, your head should be raised.
  • Punch from the shoulder. Use your shoulder to strike the target when you punch.
  • Pay attention to your feet. Avoid moving your feet while you punch.
  • Send short, sharp punches. Your body will be tired faster if you are throwing longer punches.
  • Don’t forget about defense! Always block any incoming punches.
  • Use your elbows. Elbows are an effective way to defend yourself.
  • Learn how to use your legs. Properly using your legs will help you avoid being knocked down.
  • Keep practicing every day. You will feel tired when you finish training. Keep going. You need practice to be successful at any task.
  • Have fun Enjoy what you’re doing.
  • Remember to breathe. Correct breathing will help you feel stronger and more energetic.
  • Relax. Don’t worry so much about making mistakes. Learn new things instead of worrying about making mistakes.
  • Be patient. Boxing can be difficult. It takes time and practice to improve your skills.
  • Never stop learning. There will always be improvement.
  • Music is a great way to relax. Listening to music during training can help you to relax and stay focused.
  • You can watch videos of professional boxers. The fights can inspire you and motivate you to work harder.
  • Read books. Reading is a great way to learn about boxing.
  • You need to take breaks. Sometimes it helps to take a break from boxing. Play soccer or basketball outside.
  • Find a coach. You can improve your boxing skills by having a coach who is knowledgeable.
  • Push-ups are a great exercise. Push-ups are great for endurance and strength building.


  • You want to be running at roughly 75-80% of your top speed..5 mile slow, easy recovery jog at the end.[6]X Research source 2Mix in long runs, shadow boxing, and short sprints on non-interval days. (
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How To

How do I setup a Boxing Gym in My House

How to setup a boxing gym is a common question asked every day by people who want to start their own business. Many people ask how much money they should spend on equipment, what kind of space is needed, how many employees do you think you need etc. There are many factors that affect the cost of starting your own business. Location, type of business and number of employees are all important factors. But one thing that most people forget is the importance of having good equipment. Without the proper equipment, you can’t get started. So if you really want to start a boxing gym in your home, here are some tips to help you out.

  1. Training should be done in a safe environment. Anyplace you can train is fine, whether it’s in your garage, basement, spare or living area. Only one requirement: There must be enough space for the equipment to be set up.
  2. You will need at least one punching bag. This is essential because it will make it easier to practice punches. You can use anything, from a plastic bag to a heavy-duty leather bag. It should be large enough to comfortably fit you. Also make sure that it is sturdy and durable so that you can use it for years to come.
  3. You will need a mat. Matting is used to protect floors and walls when practicing kicks. It is often made of foam rubber. They can be purchased online as well as in offline shops.
  4. A bench is a must. A bench is used to support your back while you do pushups. They can be purchased online or offline stores. However, make sure that you choose the right size for you.
  5. A speedbag is essential. Speedbags can be used to improve hand movement speed. They can be purchased online or in stores. You want to make sure you get a high-quality product that will last.
  6. A headgear is essential. Headgear is used to protect your head during sparring sessions. It can be bought online or in-store. Make certain that you choose something that fits well and protects your face.
  7. Gloves are essential. Gloves protect your hands during sparring sessions. These gloves are available online and in offline shops. Find the right pair for you.
  8. A mouthpiece is required. Mouthpieces protect your teeth when sparring takes place. These are available online and in offline shops. Again, choose a pair that suits your style and needs.
  9. A ring is necessary. Rings are used in real fight simulations. You can purchase them either online or offline. Make sure that it has padding on both sides so that you aren’t injured during sparring sessions.
  10. You need a towel. Towels are used to wipe sweat off after each workout session. They can be purchased at local sporting goods store or online stores. Make sure that they’re soft and absorbent.