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Who is Daniella Hemsley and how old is she?

ONLYFANS stars have been hitting the headlines as they turn their attention to the boxing ring.

Daniella Hemsley is one of the band of influencers pulling on the boxing gloves, but who is she and what is her record?

OnlyFans star Daniella Hemsley is set to have her next boxing fight in Dublin, Ireland

Who is Daniella Hemsley?

Daniella Hemsley is an OnlyFans star and boxer.

She was born on October 15, 2000, in England.

As of June 2023, she is 22 years old.

Daniella signed with Kingpyn boxing in March 2023.

She said: “Not your average Barbie Doll, I’m built different.

“You have no idea who is coming for you.”

How did she become popular?

Daniella started her career on TikTok in June 2020.

She shared her story on how she lost 4st since the age of 15 on TikTok.

Her account is all about fitness, lifestyle, and comedy content.

In an interview with the Daily Mail she said: “My parents separated when I was 12 – it was during my transition to high school from primary school – and it really affected me. 

“I stopped going to school as my mental health deteriorated and I didn’t have any friends either.

“I had no life, and I didn’t look after myself.”

However that changed when she started going to the gym at the age of 16.

Daniella continued: “I vlog and TikTok for a living and I’m living the dream, all because of my weight loss journey.

“I wouldn’t be where I am today and wouldn’t have made those steps.

“I don’t believe in diets, ensure you have a healthy lifestyle and just listen to your body.

“I now opt for low fat or fat free products. I drink plant-based milk and eat a lot of lean foods, as well as eating smaller portions.

“I’m now a qualified personal trainer and I was going to pursue a career as a PT but since having a social media platform, I try to use it to inspire people on there.”

What’s her boxing record?

Daniella had her debut boxing fight in April 2023 against Brazilian fitness buff Jully Poca as part of the High Stakes Quarter Final by Kingpyn boxing.

She lost the fight after round five by unanimous decision.

Her second fight will be against Polish influencer Aleksandra Daniel also known as Ms. Danielka on July 1, 2023 in Dublin, Ireland as part of the semi finals of the High Stakes boxing tournament.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do boxers train for beginners?

Although boxing is one of oldest sports, its popularity has increased only recently. Two fighters fight each other in boxing. They punch each other until one of them falls.

The first step towards becoming a boxer is to find out if you like boxing. You can view some fights on YouTube to experience what it’s like to punch someone. After you have decided if you are interested in boxing, you can choose the style of fighting that you like.

How do you practice boxing punches.

A punching bag is used for practicing boxing punches. You punch the bag until you feel like you’ve mastered the technique. You can then move on to another area of your body. You can then move onto the next area once you are comfortable with that one.

What are the benefits of learning to box?

These are the reasons you need to learn how box.

  • It increases confidence. Learn to box can give you courage to confront bullies or any other person who might bully you.
  • It improves your health. Boxing is good for building muscle mass. Muscle mass makes you more powerful.
  • It teaches self-defense skills. You learn how fight and how to protect yourself.
  • It helps you develop your mental toughness. Mental toughness is important when you’re facing challenges.
  • It gives you a sense of accomplishment. Once you’ve mastered a certain technique, you’ll feel like a real boxer.
  • It’s fun! Nothing is more fun than being punched in a stomach.
  • It’s cheap. It only takes a pair if boxing gloves, and a punchingbag.
  • It doesn’t require much space

What is the difference of a left-hook and a right-cross?

A left hook is thrown at the side of the body and a right crossover is thrown at the front.

A left hand hook is one that is thrown with the opponent’s right side facing. The elbow is bent 90 degrees and the wrist is turned 45 degrees toward the opponent.

The opponent is facing the palm and the elbow straight. A right cross is made. The opponent is 45 degrees from your wrist.

What can I do to practice my boxing defense?

Boxing is one of the oldest martial arts known to man. Boxing is one of the most difficult sports you can play. You can’t just punch someone and knock him out. You need to know how you can defend yourself against punches or kicks.

Finding a nearby boxing gym is the first step. Once you have located a good gym, you can get gloves and headgear. Gloves protect you hands while the helmet protects your head. You’ll also need to wear shorts and a T-shirt.

After you have all the equipment you need, it’s time to get warm. You can start slowly and then increase speed gradually. If you feel ready, get on the bag and start sparring with another boxer. If you fail, don’t be discouraged. Don’t worry if you miss. Just keep trying until it works.


  • You want to be running at roughly 75-80% of your top speed..5 mile slow, easy recovery jog at the end.[6]X Research source 2Mix in long runs, shadow boxing, and short sprints on non-interval days. (
  • This article received 39 testimonials and 89% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. (

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How To

Here are some basic skills in boxing

How to box effectively

Boxing is one the most well-known sports in the world. It is a fight between two opponents. Each country has its own rules. In general, there are three types of boxing; Amateur, Professional and Olympic boxing.

Amateur boxing can be practiced at school or college. This form of boxing involves sparring with no protection and using padded gloves. Amateur boxing matches usually consist of three rounds lasting five minutes each. There are many different styles of amateur boxing including Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Karate, Judo, Wrestling and others.

Professional boxing is usually practiced in gyms, clubs or stadiums. They wear protective equipment such as mouthpiece, nose guard, shin guards, elbow pads, knee pads, waist belt and groin protector. Professional boxing competitions include six rounds of four minutes each. There are many types of professional boxing. These include Boxing (MMA), Kickboxing (Mixed Martial Arts), Muay Thai and Taekwondo.

Olympic boxing is done at the Olympics. International standards require that boxers use special protective gear. The competition lasts approximately three minutes for each round. Olympic boxing can be divided into two types: Light Flyweight (Heavyweight) and Heavyweight (Light Flyweight).

The basic skills of boxing are:

  • Punching techniques
  • Guarding techniques
  • Footwork
  • Stance
  • Move your body
  • Defense
  • Combination
  • Rotation
  • Spares

Punching Techniques

There are seven kinds of punches: Left Hook, Right Hook, Uppercut, Cross, Straight, Overhand and Underhand. Each punch has its own technique. Some punches require greater strength than others. An example of this is an uppercut, which requires tremendous force. On the other hand, a straight punch requires less power but it is faster than other punches.

There are many combinations of punches. These are combinations of punches that work together to achieve a specific goal. One combination can have many parts. A combination may include multiple parts. For example, damage to the jaw of an opponent can be caused by a left hook and a right cross.

Guard Techniques

Boxers protect themselves by protecting their bodies. He does this by using his legs.


A boxer must use his legs to defend against kicks. He raises his leg when he is hit with a kick and then moves away from the opponent. If the attack comes from the front, then he bends his knees to avoid being kicked on the side. If the attack comes from behind, however, he can stand straight up and block the kick by his foot.


Because they inflict pain, elbow strikes can be very effective. An elbow strike can be delivered either directly or indirectly. Directly, you strike your opponent with your forearm. Indirectly, you hit him with another portion of your arm.


Boxers use their hands to block incoming blows. To do this, they raise their fists higher than their heads and move their arms in the direction that the attack is coming. They then make contact with their attacker’s fist.


A boxer should bend his knees in order to absorb any blows to his stomach, abdomen, chest or stomach. Knee strikes are often used for defense purposes.


If he is being attacked, a boxer must take a step back and counter-attack. This way, he can gain distance between himself and his opponent. A boxer must also maintain his balance when responding to an opponent’s counter-attack.


Boxing effectively requires a boxer to have a good stance. How he defends his self will depend on how he stances. It defines where he faces his opponent and how he positions his body. Boxers have many stances to choose from. Here are some of the more popular ones:

  • Low stance
  • High stance
  • Southpaw stance
  • Western stance

Body Movement

In order to win a fight, a boxer must move around his opponent. This means changing your speed, position and rhythm.


When a boxer throws a punch, he rotates in order to increase the reach of his arm. Different types of punches require different speeds for the rotation.


The effectiveness of a combination depends on the timing of each individual punch. A combination that is effective starts with a strong punch, and ends with one that is weak.

Spare parts

Sparring is a training session that improves boxing skills. A sparring session is where a boxer trains both his mind and his body. Sparring, in conclusion, is about learning how to fight and not getting hurt.

To sum it all, boxing requires patience and dedication. Boxing is a sport that requires dedication and perseverance.

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